
Moving into a new home can bring a mixture of emotions, but once you are in and settled, excitement can conquer. At this stage, there is no better way to celebrate than with a housewarming party, surrounded by all of your nearest and dearest. If you are looking for ideas to make your party one to remember, you have come to the right place. Take a look through our inspiring tips and tricks.

Choose a theme

Set the tone for your housewarming party by selecting a theme that reflects your personal style. Whether it’s a relaxed pyjama-party gathering or an elegant cocktail soirée, a themed event adds an extra touch of excitement and cohesiveness to the celebration.

It’s all in the décor

Incorporate your theme into your décor for the night. Laying pillows and fluffy throws across the room or creating your own display of quirky cocktails can really tie your theme together. You home may be on the empty side right now, so there is room for creativity!

Personalised touches

Personalised touches are what makes a house, a home. Having just moved in, you may find yourself at a bit of a loose end with these elements, but having a house full of loved ones can be all you need. Consider staging a group picture and having it framed somewhere that you will all see in the future. You could also set an empty scrapbook on a coffee table with a variety of coloured pens and ask your guests to write a nice message. It can be the perfect thing to look though both now, and in the future.

Food and drinks

Offering a selection of food and drink can help your guests to settle in. Suggest that your guests each brig an item of food that they all love to ease the pressure on your end, or visit your local eateries and serve the food of your locals in your new home.

House tours

The one thing your guests may be anticipating the most is the grand tour of your new home. Why not add a creative spin to this, and incorporate a fin game such as a scavenger hunt. It will allow your loved ones to explore your home, without too much pressure being pointed in the way of decorating that may or may not have already been completed.

Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering or a lively party, our team are on hand to ensure you are moved in and ready in time for the big day. Get in touch with us here at Mitchells Moving Company to find out how we can make your move hassle-free, giving you time to focus on the party ahead.