
While an office relocation can be a very exciting venture, there can often be many elements to juggle. That’s where you will need organisational measures in place, helping you along the journey and ensuring everything gets done. If your office removal is coming up soon, you’ve probably been looking for some tips to make the moving process easier. Keep reading for the most important tips you’ll need to know…

Designate one primary organiser

Allocating the job of organising the moving tasks to one person will avoid the case of having too many cooks in the kitchen… It may fall to the office manager or a similar role to ensure that one person is keeping track of everything that needs to be done and is delegating work effectively, increasing the chance of a smooth office removal! They can create an office move checklist and get contributions from other employees for help.

Create a moving checklist

Creating a moving checklist will enable you to see all the tasks you have to do in one place, allowing you to keep track of how the process is going. This way, you can plan your office relocation with more ease once you have all the necessary tasks on the same list. Ensure your step-by-step moving plans are comprehensive, so that your employees also understand what will be happening in the lead up to moving day.

Have a decluttering session

Whether you are upscaling or downsizing, moving to a new office calls for a refresh. Perhaps your new office space can’t fit all your desks and office equipment, and you will need to dispose of these items. Or, maybe you’re looking at investing in new chairs for your team, and the old ones need to go… A deep declutter will be beneficial for your company to make a new start, and a clearance service or storage units will make this so much easier.

Protect your business’ data

During the big move, it could be your concern that some of your data may go missing or get damaged. To ensure this isn’t the case, back up all your data electronically. You could also make physical copies for further reassurance. If it’s your intention to dispose of physical copies of your business’ data, there are often shredding services within removals companies, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained!

Book a removals company

Working with a removals company is going to be transformative in keeping to the plan for your office and alleviating the pressure on your shoulders. To maintain your company’s productivity, removal companies conduct office relocations over the weekend to create minimal disruption. They will also take care of transporting heavy office materials, such as business photocopiers and office furniture. It could seem impossible to move without one!

Update your business address

This is one of the most important tips – don’t forget to update your business address! Forgetting to do this could mean that your post doesn’t reach you, customers can’t find you, and invoices are registered to the wrong place. Ensure you forward your post and let your customers know about the change in location – especially if they will be visiting frequently. You will need to notify the bank, authorities, insurance companies, and more.

Separate staff belongings from office items

Along with your office relocation, your staff will need to move their individual belongings to the new workplace. This may mean their laptops, stationery, as well as office design features like plants. Offering your staff their own individual crates will make this process simpler, ensuring that their things are kept separate from each other. This will decrease the risk of confusion if items get mixed up.

Create a new office floor plan

When your removals company transports your items to the new workplace, they will put your things where you direct them. To save time, it’s a good idea to have a floor plan for where you would like things to go. You will be given the dimensions of the new office, so experiment with diagrams of the formation of desks and decide where to have the meeting area so that you can direct the movers seamlessly when it comes to it.

At Mitchells Moving Company, we have decades of experience in office relocations. Finding a company you trust with something as important as your business is imperative, and we’re the ones for the job! To find out more about our services, give us a call on 0800 023 4610 or email